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Academics & Curriculum

Academics & Curriculum

The curriculum at college is based on an integrated design, as proposed by PMC. Integration at horizontal levels assures that the thirst for higher order of knowledge is quenched, while vertical integration ensures clinical application of knowledge at a time when that knowledge is still fresh in the mind of the student. The mode of teaching is student-centered, with maximum utilization of resources by students in self-learning, keeping the role of teachers as facilitators. In this manner, a problem solving mindset is gradually built up, which will sustain the student in good stead throughout his/her professional life.

First Professional MBBS Examination

To be held at the end of the 1st year as 03 Block papers, A, B & C.
S no Blocks Courses Marks
Block A
Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry & Vertical Subjects including PRIME
Block B
Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry & Vertical Subjects including PRIME